October 4, 2023

Christ Strengthens Me

Matthew 14:14:27 “But Jesus spoke to them at once, ‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said. ‘Take courage, I am here.’” On my table where I keep my quiet time tools, I have a ceramic vase. In that vase are small little trinkets I have collected over the years. These small items remind me of how God has been faithful to me throughout my life. I have a rock in there that has the word “courage” written on it. The definition of the word courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. When I lost my daughter, I remember people saying to me how strong I was. I felt anything but strong. I could barely get myself up out of bed. Tears would flow without any control of stopping them. After the death of our child, we find ourselves walking through the storms of grief. It is a scary time. Our life is forever changed. We can hardly get through a minute without our child. The thought of living the rest of our life without them is a fear that is hard to bear. Yet throughout the days after our child’s death, we walk ever so slowly through this fear of what next, how do I live on. When we keep our eyes on the One who calms the storms, we find the strength to face the pain of grief. So, my sister in loss, next time someone remarks on how strong you are, respond to them kindly. I am not strong; what I am is courageous because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Lord, in You only is where I find the courage to move forward and live a life that has meaning. — Michele