September 15, 2021

Reminding Our Thinking

We were gifted many years ago with a beautiful, hand-carved wooden shepherd embracing a young lamb in his arms. For us, it is a warm reminder of our Good Shepherd, the one who was, and is, in stark contrast to many of the irresponsible, destructive, shameful shepherds of God’s Old Testament people. The Good Shepherd came to gently lead, to guide, to give protection and comfort, and with unfailing love to sacrificially give His life for His sheep. He carries His dependent, even struggling lambs, close to His heart, and searches with His heart engaged, for the lamb who wanders off. Our wooden reminder was sorely in need of some polishing, and as I polished, I rehearsed all that our gift represented. It was a good time to rehearse. For myself, and for many others I know and respect, our thinking is being challenged as we face a world turned upside down, normalcy eroded, reality distorted, God-given needs, unmet. And even in polishing a piece of wood, the Good Shepherd was holding me close to His heart, whispering His assurances that His truth, His love, His provision, His purposes and plans – none of it has changed. Our Good Shepherd is still the Sovereign King, our personal sustainer and provider. Sometimes though, my thinking just needs to be reminded. Jesus had a habit of challenging, reminding, both his disciples, and the crowds, with the kind of thinking God has. The crowds were threatened by the governmental authorities and even by religious leaders. Jesus reminded them of the value God gave to them, and that fear did not need to be given to men, but rather to God who is far greater and holds forgiveness and eternity in His hands. He challenged the brother who greedily wanted to demand his part of the family inheritance. Spiritual wealth far surpasses material wealth, and greed or even worry, do not provide for our needs, but rather, God does, and He does, with a heart of delight. Giving to others actually gives to self, especially when my motives are rightly placed. And those dialogues only begin to give us a glimpse of our Shepherd, and just a few hints about thinking God’s way.. JJ Heller was in need of encouragement when her feelings were dominating her thinking, and her thoughts were focused on the confusion in the world around her, the not-knowing, the sick, the dying, the violent reactors, the inadequate answers that could not satisfy. She listened to Pastor Scott Erickson quiet some of the thinking she was having when he spoke the assurance that God already knows. He knows the need, and He knows the way through. Her weariness was lifted as her thinking changed, and she wrote the lyrics for still another of her songs that so clearly reflects the hearts of other believers as well as her own. Everything around me seems uncertain. ... My weary heart can't take much more surprise. ... I'm scared. I feel completely unprepared. ... But You already know. ... I can't seem to find the easy answers. Someday I hope the suffering makes sense. I just need to know that You are with me. ... You hold my tomorrow and all tomorrow holds. You already know whatever I'm feeling, whatever is coming. Whenever the ending, You're already there. You go before me. You go behind me. Wherever I'm going, You're already there. Our thinking is the foundation of all our responses in life. God-centered thinking reminds us of His promises, His sufficiency, His knowledge, His sovereignty, His very presence. Those thoughts, those reminders, have the power to help me live above the turmoil, even though I may be very aware of all that is happening. – Bev (Related Bible reading: Psalm 23:1-6; Isaiah 40:11,12; Luke 12:1-34)