October 6, 2021

Marching Orders

Isaiah 6:8 “Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I; send me.’” As I glanced down the street, there was a line of flags standing at attention, blowing slightly, on this warm September morning. As the morning went on, the crowds grew larger. The street was lined with first responders standing in front of their cars. Their lights were flashing to tell us something important is about to happen. We were standing in front of my granddaughter’s school, and soon the children walked from their classrooms onto the street. Each child holding an American flag added to the enormity of the moment. The moment when we paid our respects to Hunter Lopez. He was a 22 year-old Marine who spent his last days protecting the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. He died trying to protect two young Afghan girls. It was such an outpouring of love and respect for this young man and his family. Car after car of dignitaries drove by. The hearse with this young man’s body wrapped in an American flag spoke of his love for his country and his unselfish act of courage. I watched as the limo that held his family approached. They were protected from the hundreds of people who wanted to show support. The windows were tinted so we could not view the pain that was breathing inside. Yet I knew exactly their thoughts and their pain. My heart was broken. I know they had to feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect that was shown. The support for them, I am sure, amazed them. The days since they received the news, there have been people telling them where to go and what to do. They probably picked up their feet and walked in the direction of all those pointed fingers with a blank look on their face. I thought of their days after all this attention and support. Soon all the processions will end. Instead, there will be a parade doing an about face out of their lives. Those who were telling them where to go and what to do, will no longer point their fingers in any direction. They are now on their own to pick up the pieces. They will have to stand and move and heal. Questions will play in their head. What now? How do we live on? Watching all this unfold was just a reminder to me of how important this ministry is. When everyone has done an about face, we keep marching toward the hurting heart. We hear our Lord say, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” We are instructed to comfort others as we have been comforted. When we look into those shell-shocked eyes, hopefully we can look back with hope-filled eyes. We point our fingers to the only One who can heal their hurts. Lord, You asked Hunter Lopez, “Who shall I send; who will go for Me?” and he answered Your call to battle. You have asked us, “Who shall I send?” and Lord, we have our marching orders. We are ready to offer comfort to those who need to be comforted. – Michele