May 15, 2024

The Wisdom of God

1 Corinthians 2:9-10 "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived – the things God has prepared for those who love Him – these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” I often referred to this passage whenever I have thoughts about the wonders of Heaven and our eternal home. However, in digging deeper, I have come to understand that this verse refers to the wisdom of our God. His truth that He has prepared for believers is not discoverable by the human eye or ear, nor is it discovered by the mind. God’s wisdom is revealed to us by spending time with our Lord and He makes Himself known to us by revelation, inspiration, and illumination. We can spend years reading the Bible and these verses may mean nothing to us, but because we are obedient and disciplined, one day God opens up a very small detail of who He is and suddenly His very nature becomes apparent to us. He has revealed a small part of who He really is and we just are blown away because we, in our small-minded thinking, cannot begin to conceive the vast wonders of our God. Oswald Chambers said, “The promises of God are of no value to us until through obedience, we come to understand the nature of God.” We are designed to crave and hunger for more and more, but most of the time, we fill those cravings with the things of this world. I know for me, since the death of my child, I have had an insatiable desire to fill this empty hole in my soul and I am thankful that I have decided to fill it with the Living Water that quenches my thirst and the Bread of Life that satisfies the hunger pangs, but it doesn’t just fill me for the moment. The more I feed on the Living Word, the more my spirit hungers and thirsts. In 1 Corinthians 2:9, The Message says, “God’s wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of His purposes. You don’t find it lying around on the surface. It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest – what God determined as the way to bring out His best in us, long before we ever arrived on the scene. No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, never so much as imagined anything quite like it – what God has arranged for those who love Him. But you’ve seen and heard it because God, by His Spirit, has brought it all out into the open for you.” By His Holy Spirit, God has disclosed His saving truth to us. The Spirit alone knows all that God knows because He Himself is God and we have been given the Holy Spirit to teach us, to give us inspiration, spiritual insights and revelation into the very nature of the Creator of the Universe. Pretty heady stuff, huh?! We are designed with a great capacity for God, but our sin, our own individuality, our self-sufficiency keeps us from really getting to know Him. However, when we meet daily with our Lord, the spiritual part of who we are soaks up everything He has to offer because our spirit hungers for more and more; it’s the way we were built; He created us to crave Him. If we are obedient, then our goal becomes God Himself and we are “crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal. 2:20) Day after day, year after year, when I wake and look in the mirror, it is no longer me who I see staring back at me, but it is Christ living in me because He has revealed to me the depths of who He is and His divine nature becomes mine. – Melody