December 20, 2017

Happy Birthday, Jesus!!

Christmas Thoughts for Moms Who Grieve...........

C ... C
 is for the Christ, the very essence and expression of God.  At Christmas, He Came to make God’s plan of redemption and hope, possible.

H ... H is for Hope, the Heartbeat of the believer that pulsates with longing for all of God’s gifts – the ones that encourage and strengthen here on earth and the reality of life eternal in His unchanging presence.

R ... R is for Resources, the ones that come from God, the ones He gives sometimes even without our asking – Resources that allow us to take one step at a time, one day at a time, embracing our tears while He holds us in His arms.

I ... I is for Inward or Inside, the place God most wants to meet us in the reality of our need; my anguish, sorrow, and pain, softened because Jesus came at Christmas.

S ... S is for Salvation, the reason for Christmas, a baby’s arms being stretched out on a cross simply because He loves me and He loves the child who died before me.

T... T is for Time, my todays, my yesterdays, my tomorrows – Jesus was born at just the right Time – and for Jesus and for me, God holds all of Time in His hands.

M ... M is for Manger, the earthly birthing place for Jesus, but M is also for Mercy.  Mercy too was born in the Manger, God withholding judgment because of the baby, and in its stead an overflow of grace for every tear and every need.  

A ... A is for Agony, the Agony of the cross that defeated the Agony of death, and it all started because God cares and understands, and He wanted to give His child so both me and my child would have hope.

S ... S is for Season, the Season of Christmas shadowed by the Season of my grief.  Neither Season ends – I’ve learned that about grief – but the Season of Christmas is eternal because God is eternal and the Season of Christmas is the reminder of all of God’s gifts that let me mourn and still walk, grieve and yet become, be comforted and in turn, give comfort to still others.

Happy Birthday, Jesus!! 
 And Thank You! from the depths of my heart....................