January 16, 2025

Complaining is Contagious

Numbers 14:26 Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “How long must I put up with this wicked community and its complaints about me? Yes, I have heard the complaints the Israelites are making against me.” It is easy to condemn these stiff-necked Israelis. They were so ungrateful. The Lord has provided everything they needed for this journey through the desert. Yet it was never enough. They complained constantly, and their obedience to God often fell short. They doubted Him when they crossed the Red Sea. They complained about bitter water. And the food, Yuk! They collected more manna than their daily quota, and they collected it on the Sabbath. More than once, they engaged in idolatry. Through all of this, God gave them chance after chance. God finally had it. He sent a fire and destroyed some of the people on the outskirts of the camp. In frustration, He asked Moses, “How long must I put up with these people?” Why is it so easy to see others' faults but not your own? How often do I complain about what I have or don’t have? I must admit that negative words and thoughts enter my mind and soon find their way out of my mouth. When I complain about things, I deny that God is working in my life. He knows what and when I need it and always comes through. In my complaining, my words infect not only me, but can poison those around me. A bad attitude is very contagious. Lord, how long will You put up with me? I am sorry for my complaining and the effect it has on others. – Michele