February 5, 2025
Fear Not for I Am With You
Is 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
“If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” That was a question that was presented at church. The first thing out of my head was to be courageous. Courage is facing fear, danger, or uncertainty and making good choices despite these challenges. Peter and the disciples faced a strong wind and heavy waves. They were in a battle for their lives. Suddenly, they were met with Jesus walking on the water in the storm. Jesus told them not to be afraid. Take courage; I am here! Peter then told Jesus, “Lord, if that is You, ask me to come to You.” Jesus responds with, “Yes, come.” This is where Peter has a choice to make. Did he trust Jesus to hold him up in the storm, or would he sit in the boat and live in fear and anxiety?
I have just stepped off of my tiny dinghy named fear. This is where I find myself when I FEEL OVERWHELMED. Soon, in that little brain of mine, I create a storm. I find myself flailing, wringing my hands, and traipsing back and forth until I tip the boat over. Jesus is asking me to come, yet I wait until I am at the point of drowning. I finally tire myself out and finally grab ahold. Fear is crippling. It is a faith robber, and it is exhausting. As I write this, I feel a deep conviction in my soul. Lord, I am so sorry. You are my God who has taken me out of the worst storm of my life, the death of my daughter. You have blessed me more than I could have ever imagined. So why do I still do what I don’t want to do? Instead of going straight to the source.
I saw a plaque the other day that said, "You are enough." I am not sufficient in the storms of life. Why do I worry and fret? I am looking at the winds and the waves, and my focus is not on the One who is my refuge, strength, and ever-present help in times of trouble.
Lord, when the wind starts howling, and the waves start swelling, may I remember to keep my eyes on You. When my eyes are on You, all is well with me. You are my superpower; it may be time to sell that dinghy of fear.
– Michele