July 18, 2018

The Answer Is Always With God

Living demands answers.  All too often, we look for those answers in the wrong direction.  Psychology, sociology, science, history, and philosophy may provide partial or temporary answers.  Typically, pursuing answers in these arenas leads to a dependence apart from God, and the deepest needs of our souls are never met.  God does have answers for us, and He wants our dependence to be on Him.  God’s ways though are not man’s ways, and, certainly, His answers do not always  line up with my own thinking and perspective.  (In time, I usually find out, that was a good thing!)   How often have I finally broken away from my own self-centered thoughts to find God revealing the answer I needed all along?!  His answers work!  His way is best!  

God’s resources are available to me as His child.  But I must look in His direction to find them.  (i.e. Trust!)  As I look in God’s direction, He will not always change my circumstances. (Sometimes we feel He seldom, if ever, changes our circumstances.) But the promises of His presence and His resources are for me in my circumstances.  Even the practical skill or wisdom that comes through the people or events of my life is available as I search for answers by going to God first.  I am  not discrediting the services and skills of doctors, counselors, therapists, or educators.  Neither am I encouraging an isolationism that does not seek the support of friends, or family members.  “Me, myself, and I” talks are often unproductive, and tend to deepen negative emotions and usually fail to unravel the lies we fall victim to.  What is being said is that God wants to be counted on and we need to depend on Him. 

 “The answer is always with God.”   I would challenge you to record this principle on 3 X 5" cards, making numerous copies.  Display them in some of the many places you tend to “look” during a day -- the bathroom mirror, your desk at work, the refrigerator, the dash or sun visor of your car, your computer, .........  You will find your thoughts turning to God especially during those times you need an answer as you catch a glimpse of the card you made.  Remember too that this is a conviction that needs to be allowed to grow.  It is not our natural tendency to turn to God, even as believers.  We must therefore nurture this conviction as we first of all, choose to believe that God does have an answer and then consciously choose to go to Him for that answer.  Prayerfully you will find yourself going to God “more quickly” as you experience more of the best of His promises and resources.

                                                                               – Bev

(Related Bible reading: Isaiah 40:9-11, 26-31)