September 5, 2019

Happy Birthday, Elisha

Shortly before Elisha’s 23rd birthday, Elisha went home to be with Jesus.  This year, Elisha would have turned 27.  In the few short years between, Elisha’s mom has grieved, and she has found the incredible, comforting heart of God.  It has still not been an easy journey, but Melody has continued to walk it with her God.  As she has journeyed, she has shared her love for Elisha, the heritage he has left, and she has been a voice and encourager for other moms.  As Elisha celebrated his 27th birthday in Heaven, Melody once again turned her thoughts and her feelings into words we as moms who have also suffered the loss of a child, can all relate to.  I “happened” to browse her Facebook page shortly after she posted what is below, and my own heart was engaged.  Yours will be too.

August 8 at 6:13 pm ...............
Twenty seven years ago, I was given the most incredible gift in the world, although at the time I could not begin to comprehend how this beautiful and treasured gift would radically change my life. Nothing could have prepared me for the unconditional, deep, unique, fiercely protective, agape love that I received from my Heavenly Father for you over the years. As I poured that love into you, you in return would give that love to everyone you came in contact with. You taught so many people, including me, the definition of unconditional love, it didn’t matter who they were. I never could have imagined how radically different I would become as a result of you and how God would equip me and shape me into the woman I am today. I am who I am today because of the gift of you. I am a better person because of you. You were the wind beneath my wings, and there is a hole in my soul that can never be filled, but every morning I attempt to apply a salve to my ache through the Lord’s tender mercies and His promise to me that I will see you again. I long for that day when we will spend eternity together. Life on earth is just not the same without you, my precious child. I miss you terribly. In the meantime, “I will not lose heart. Though outwardly I am wasting away, inwardly, I am being renewed day by day. These light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So I will fix my eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Cor. 4:16-18.  Happy 27th Birthday, my sweet angel boy, Elisha. I love you to the moon and back. 

Moms, honor your child with your words and your life.  Remember the beauty of the gift of your child – God’s gift.  Be encouraged by Melody’s words, and encourage someone else with your own words.  Be the one who sustains the light of your own child’s heritage.  Happy Birthday to all of our children.

                                            – Melody, and Bev too